Thursday, February 07, 2008

Christmas 2007

So this year Troy and I travelled to Kelowna for Christmas with my side of the family. We started off early in the day and hit some black ice by noon. All turned out okay in the end-but it was still scarey. We got to Kelowna and decided to do a little shopping. Christmas Eve we went to Auntie Gertie's for Church and appetizers-it was great to see everyone again. Christmas morning we woke up before it was light out and met up with everyone to open gifts with Mom and Aron. Troy spoiled me:) and he was in trouble for it for about 2 seconds:) Later on we went to Grandma Lansdowne's for breakfast and gift opening with Dad & Dorothy. It was a good morning. In the afternoon we all went back for the massive gift opening at the McClellands. It was busy as usual. That evening when we went back to Grandma L's we hung out with Adam, Paul, Auntie Wendy & Uncle Frank. Boxing day we relaxed and got a couple of things exchanged at the mall and had dinner at the Lansdowne's. The very next morning we hopped back into the car and travelled home. New Year's was great! Troy and I went over to Lisa & Lee's and played games with the Biddlecome & Carlson parents until about 11:00 and then us "youngsters" played games until 4am. We then slept the day away:). We celebrated Christmas with Troys family when we got back home and we had a Fondu with them as well-it tasted SO good. So that's about it on the updates. We'll keep posted:)

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Christmas Tree Hunting Dec 15-2007

Bright and early (11am) Lisa/Lee/Dayten/Tika, Troy&I all went out Christmas tree hunting out by the old airport area. There were tons of trees everywhere. Unlike last year-Lee was the very first to spot his tree and in a record time of under 5 minutes! Troy, however, took Lee on a hike around the area (probably around 8km) and they eventually ended up coming back to the trucks... sweaty and pooped. It was then decided that we'd have lunch there and pick it up on the way home. Tika was amused by snowballs and flying sticks. Dayten had a good time and Lisa took him offroading the trail a couple of times-he was all snug and warm. By 3 we were home and sawing about 3 feet off of our tree:) It's all decorated now:)

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Christmas in Rossland Dec 1&2/2007

This year Troy and I get to participate in several Christmas events. The first of the year was in Rossland with Dorothy&Dad's family. We arrived Friday night to a snowy Rossland and locals toboganning down the steep streets. Saturday morning Pat/Amanda & Kirah arrived bright and early and everyone got ready and went down to mainstreet for the winter parade. Strangely enough Troy had to admit that the parade was indeed shorter than Kimberley's:). After that we had lunch and came back to the house where everyone began to show up. The evening progressed and it was dinner time:) Shortly after that it was gift exchanges and even more shortly after that everyone began to file out. Wil/Stacey, Ralph/Katie, Dad/Dorothy & Troy/I were the only ones left so we cracked out the crokinole board and had a good time. We woke up on Sunday to a foot of snow and still falling. That made the interesting drive home:). We had a great weekend and Troy made a new friend-Kirah. She cuddle with him tons and helped him with the ratchet in putting together the stools.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Marysville Main St Fire-Oct 16/2007

So, as the title states-there was a fire:) It all began around 1am on a building called the Owl&Teapot. Shortly after 1am the fire jumped to Cody&Kirsten's building which was next to ours. Troy and I were woken up at 1:15am and evacuated our building. Once we got outside we were in awe to see that the Owl&Teapot had flames reaching 20feet tall. We were able to watch the power lines blow and everything from the alleyway. We eventually moved to the main street to see if we could find Kirsten and see if she was okay. We found her eventually with her family. Cody was working in Sparwood so Troy called him to tell him that the building his apartment is in was on fire-Cody arrived home around 4am. We stood there and watched the fire up until 3am when the streets were cleared. We weren't able to get back into our apartment so we had a sleepover at Ian&Rae's and we listened to the firefighter radio all night. One of the firetrucks had a water spray constantly on our building to keep it from igniting next. The fire was put out around 6am and we were able to get back into our place around 7:30 so that I could get ready for work. The firefighters said that of the 4 apartments that caught fire-Cody&Kirsten would be sweetly surprised with theirs-and they were. We were able to get into their place around 2pm and we had 3 hours to remove everything before their apartment was boarded up. 11 people helped them move their belongings-and the firefighters were able to save everything they had. Their couches are damaged from the smoke but everyone agreed that that was a minimal loss that was acceptable. It was an amazing and scarey experience all in one that I hope to not go through again.

Thanksgiving OCt 7/2007

This year we spent Thanksgiving here in Marysville with Troys family. Troy's cousin, Casey, stayed with us for the weekend. On Sunday Troy, Casey, Ian, Troy's Uncle Vic & Myself all went quadding for the day. We went up to the VOR tower again and 3/4 of the way up we ran into snow.. over a foot of snow:) Once we reached the top Troy and I did a couple of donuts and then I hopped off to take some photos of Troy & Casey playing in the snow with the quads. It was a fun afternoon-Mitzi had to go back down to where there wasn't any snow-her coat just wasn't thick enough. We roasted smokies over the firepit and then worked our way back down the mountain and back home for some turkey dinner. Rae made a very delicious feast and there was 11 of us in total for dinner. On Monday Troy & I went over to try and help finish off the bird:)

Whiteswan Lake Camping Aug 31-Sept 3/2007

Due to the raining weather the previous weekend.. we weren't able to go out fishing. So we decided that we would go up again the following weekend to camp some more and try a little fishing. I've never caught anything before so it was definately an experience-Ian said that I had the biggest fish for the summer that everyone fished-so that was pretty cool. I caught and released my fish.. and what I mean by that is that I caught it.. Ian netted it/unhooked it/measured it/set it free:).. So really.. I just got to do the fun part. Troy and I each caught fish and we kept one of Troys-we'll definately have to try it again next summer:) I won the "woodchucker" log award-because I was the closest at guessing how many bundles of wood Linda sold. The bet between she and her boss was that she couldn't sell 80... and if she could.. she would get a week off of work with pay.. well turns out that she cleared 80 bundles-also it being the first friday of a long weekend and the fire ban was lifted.... might have had something to do with it:)