Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Thanksgiving OCt 7/2007

This year we spent Thanksgiving here in Marysville with Troys family. Troy's cousin, Casey, stayed with us for the weekend. On Sunday Troy, Casey, Ian, Troy's Uncle Vic & Myself all went quadding for the day. We went up to the VOR tower again and 3/4 of the way up we ran into snow.. over a foot of snow:) Once we reached the top Troy and I did a couple of donuts and then I hopped off to take some photos of Troy & Casey playing in the snow with the quads. It was a fun afternoon-Mitzi had to go back down to where there wasn't any snow-her coat just wasn't thick enough. We roasted smokies over the firepit and then worked our way back down the mountain and back home for some turkey dinner. Rae made a very delicious feast and there was 11 of us in total for dinner. On Monday Troy & I went over to try and help finish off the bird:)


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