Sunday, June 10, 2007

Perry Creek Quad Ride June 9

We had such a good time on the 8th, that we all decided to head out again on the 9th. This time we wanted to go to Perry Creek to go up to the VOR Tower (VOR+ Very Outrageous Ride). The tower gives you a view of the entire valley 360. Unfortunately close near the top of the ride we encountered snow and it was too thick and rotted out to go any further, so we headed back down the mountain and followed the Creek to see the campsite of one of Rae's co-workers. That was a very cool view and I didn't happen to get any photos of it-next time. We were told of a few more day rides that we could go on in the future, so we'll have to see and also wait a few more weeks for the snow to melt to be able to get up to the VOR Tower. It was also a great ride, we found a great spot to cook some smokies and made a pretty good day of it, we got back to the truck just in time for the rain to start.

Stella Mine Quad Ride June 8

Troy and I were asked if we wanted to go for a quad ride with his parents (Rae&Ian) this weekend, and of course we said yes!. We were to go up to the Stella Mine-which is located up in the Wasa area. When we got to the bridge that lead the way to the mine, we found that it had been washed out by all of the heavy rainfall and snow melting. Troy was the only one that ventured onto the other side of the bridge and then we were on our way to explore the other areas. We found that another area had been washed out but we were still able to ride through it. It was a fun ride:)

Larchwood Camp Trip June 3

Everyone was heading up to Larchwood for a camping weekend-everyone meaning too many to list:). It was great, Troy, Ian and myself all headed up on Thursday evening to set up camp and by Friday-the heat wave began:). Luckily enough the lake wasn't too cold so everyone enjoyed a swim or two-but if you were Paige-it would have been a drop in the lake or two or three:). Saturday Chris lead the way on a quadding adventure up to the fire watch tower- There were 4 quads, 5 people, and one quadding dog that went. As you can see-the views were great and we were very high up.