Thursday, February 07, 2008

Christmas 2007

So this year Troy and I travelled to Kelowna for Christmas with my side of the family. We started off early in the day and hit some black ice by noon. All turned out okay in the end-but it was still scarey. We got to Kelowna and decided to do a little shopping. Christmas Eve we went to Auntie Gertie's for Church and appetizers-it was great to see everyone again. Christmas morning we woke up before it was light out and met up with everyone to open gifts with Mom and Aron. Troy spoiled me:) and he was in trouble for it for about 2 seconds:) Later on we went to Grandma Lansdowne's for breakfast and gift opening with Dad & Dorothy. It was a good morning. In the afternoon we all went back for the massive gift opening at the McClellands. It was busy as usual. That evening when we went back to Grandma L's we hung out with Adam, Paul, Auntie Wendy & Uncle Frank. Boxing day we relaxed and got a couple of things exchanged at the mall and had dinner at the Lansdowne's. The very next morning we hopped back into the car and travelled home. New Year's was great! Troy and I went over to Lisa & Lee's and played games with the Biddlecome & Carlson parents until about 11:00 and then us "youngsters" played games until 4am. We then slept the day away:). We celebrated Christmas with Troys family when we got back home and we had a Fondu with them as well-it tasted SO good. So that's about it on the updates. We'll keep posted:)